#1017: Exodus 13-15 | Ephesians 3

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Original airdate: Tuesday, February 4, 2020
(unedited/draft show notes here, not a transcript )


Today we close the segment of the Exodus story about the ten plagues, and the Israelites begin their journey through the desert. And in Ephesians we hear about how God’s mystery is being revealed.


Today we close the segment of the Exodus story about the ten plagues, and the Israelites begin their journey through the desert. And in Ephesians we hear about how God’s mystery is being revealed.


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Old covenant:

Passage: Exodus 13-15
Translation: CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
Verses: 80
Words: ~2037

New covenant:

Passage: Ephesians 3
Translation: CSB (Christian Standard Bible)
Verses: 21
Words: ~408

Love you!


ForTheHope is a daily audio Bible + apologetics podcast and blog. We’ve got a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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