#844: Malachi 3-4 | Humiliation of Christ? | Psalms 58-59

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*** SHOW NOTES (not a transcript) ***


Be like Jesus, right? This.


In short, as Professor Amy-Jill Levine writes a bibleodyssey.com, “… the two canons tell a different story: the Old and New Testaments focus on salvation at the end-time, with the book of Revelation showing the rectification of the “fall” in Eden; the Tanakh speaks of returning to the homeland.”(1)

Separately, the book of Malachi is arranged as a series of six disputes, with God saying something, Israel responding poorly, and then God responding. Why? Israel has rebuilt the temple, but they are still a mess.

Finally, if you’re a CS Lewis fan, check out the 99 cent deal below.


Bible segment (read along with The Bible Project):

Passage: Malachi 3-4
Translation: ESV (English Standard Version)
Verses: 24
Words: ~758

Thinking/reflection segment:

“Humiliation of Christ -- A phrase used to speak of Jesus’ voluntary giving up of his glory as the Son of the Father in being born as a human, suffering and dying for the sake of humankind. Theologians have debated as to whether Christ’s humiliation includes a descent into hell after his death, but most are in agreement that Jesus’ life and death serve as the ultimate example of self-sacrifice for the sake of others.” (2)

Wisdom segment: none

Passage: Psalms 58-59
Translation: ESV (English Standard Version)
Verses: 28
Words: ~459

Love you!


Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

Sources and resources:

(1) Amy-Jill Levin, “What is the Difference between the Old Testament, the Tanakh, and the Hebrew Bible” Bible Odyssey (blog), https://www.challies.com/articles/are-you-writing-headlines-for-you-or-articles-for-them/. Accessed August 3, 2019. 

For all the CS Lewis fans, it’s only 99 cents: C. S. Lewis' Little Book of Wisdom: Meditations on Faith, Life, Love, and Literature