#857: 2 Chronicles 25-27 | Psalm 69

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*** SHOW NOTES (not a transcript) ***


And even more kings, messes, and lessons.


Do you ever pray for revival? I sometimes, albeit rarely do, but it’s on my heart right now. We’ve been reading about the pendulum swinging back and forth between good kings and bad kings (and kings who do that within their own lifetimes), and it’s a good overview — and perhaps reminder — that even in today’s world when things seem bleak, God loves to bless those who seek Him. So if He has done that so many times in the past, why don’t we pray for and expect that now? We should, even if that revival might happen a couple decades from now.

Like yesterday, we’re going to skip the word of the day today. And be warned, today’s story gets dark, so hang on for tomorrow’s revival story!

Sponsor: none

Bible segment (read along with The Bible Project):

Passage: 2 Chronicles 25-27
Translation: NIV (New International Version)
Verses: 60
Words: ~1809

Thinking/reflection segment:

Wisdom segment:

Passage: Psalm 69
Translation: NIV (New International Version)
Verses: 36
Words: ~591

Love you!


Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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