#763: Nahum || Do you forget to share THIS?

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Intro: Count me convicted! Today’s note is NOT from an apologist, and it’s what every Christian casemaker needs to remember.

Hey, in our read-through-the-Bible-with-The-Bible-Project reading you will recall that we are working through the prophets who spoke before the exile. And this is a good time to remember why the split kingdom of the Israelites — both the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah — were going to get their butts kicked AND what was promised beyond exile. Because it totally relates to our apologetics segment today (and my clickbait headline).

Sponsor: (none today)

Bible segment:
Passage: Nahum
Translation: NASB (New American Standard Bible)
Words: ~1457

Apologetics segment:

You’ll definitely want to listen to the podcast for all the commentary, but here is my tweak on Ian’s four points, quickie-style:

While much sharing is about what we “ought” to do, in the BIG picture God has already done the work, and

  1. I need to hear it (what God did for me vs. what to do, over and over again).

  2. It’s primarily what Scripture does (focuses on what God has already done).

  3. We find it difficult to do (and therefore should!).

  4. And if the above are true, then this is litmus test for whether or not I’m comfortable preaching/sharing the good news of God’s grace. (1)

Take action segment:

  1. Pray through Psalm 132.

  2. Watch The Bible Project’s video on Nahum (below) if you haven’t already.

Love you!


Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

Sources and resources

(1) Ian Paul, “What is the most important thing to do in our preaching?” Psephizo blog, May 15, 2019. https://www.psephizo.com/preaching-2/what-is-the-most-important-thing-to-do-in-our-preaching/.