Questions to ask: What do you want now vs. what do you want most?

It is not just a wonderful plan for ‘my life’ but a wonderful plan for the world; it is about the coming of God’s kingdom to renew all things. ~ Tim Keller

It is easy to get focused on what is right in front of us. This is true for Christians and non-Christians alike.

Asking a question that creates contrast often jolts someone (perhaps even ourselves!) into keeping things in perspective. It may even help us weather the storms of life.

When you ask someone else this question, listen for what their heart longs for. Trust the fact that no matter what they actually say, the fact we’re made in God’s image means that we desire belonging, to know and be known, to be loved for who we are.

Asking “What do you want now vs. what do you want most?” creates a chance to be Jesus to them and love on them by listening. And since all desire lead back to how we are made and ultimately the good news of what Jesus did for us, it may open up a chance to share the real reason we have for the hope in Him.