
#1278: Why did Jesus have to become human? | Hebrews 2 | Nehemiah 8-9

#1278: Why did Jesus have to become human? | Hebrews 2 | Nehemiah 8-9

The uniqueness of Christianity -- and its claim that Jesus is the only way to the Father and Heaven -- necessarily includes Him being fully human. The writer of Hebrews tells us why.

#1252: Satan’s Daughter? | Mark 8 | Daniel 1 | Psalm 139

#1252: Satan’s Daughter? | Mark 8 | Daniel 1 | Psalm 139

What would your life be like if the government forced you to change your name to something like…Daughter of Satan? Or “Who is called by Cthulu?” (Hope the RPG reference made you chuckle!)

#1227: What is the “retribution principle?” | Revelation 1 | Ezekiel 17-18 | Psalm 93

#1227: What is the “retribution principle?” | Revelation 1 | Ezekiel 17-18 | Psalm 93

The "retribution principle," simply speaking, is "an eye for an eye." But there's a twist of justice, injustice, and grace that is particular to Christianity...and we get to that in our Bottom Line segment today.

#1225: What does it mean to repent? | 2 John | Ezekiel 13-15 | Psalm 92

#1225: What does it mean to repent? | 2 John | Ezekiel 13-15 | Psalm 92

You might also remember that 1 John ended with the line, “keep yourself from idols,” and since idolatry is related to our recent “knowing God” theme, today’s focus question will riff off what we’ll read in Ezekiel as God gets in the business of Israel’s failed leaders — What does it mean to repent?