1-3 John

Love is the shift - a reflection on Advent, week 4 (Isaiah 9:2, 1 John 1:5b, 4:16b)

Love is the shift - a reflection on Advent, week 4 (Isaiah 9:2, 1 John 1:5b, 4:16b)

CS Lewis once quipped, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen ... not only because I see it but because by it, I see everything else." And in an Advent twist, this enables a perspective about Christmas that should bring a smile to your face.

#1226: What is biblical shame? | 3 John | Ezekiel 16

#1226: What is biblical shame? | 3 John | Ezekiel 16

Ezekiel 16 is an allegory that is, frankly, graphic. And for good reason — God’s showing us in rather stark terms how it was He who blessed us, gave us all good things, and we cheated on him. Worse than that. And yet He continues to pursue….and to what end?

#1225: What does it mean to repent? | 2 John | Ezekiel 13-15 | Psalm 92

#1225: What does it mean to repent? | 2 John | Ezekiel 13-15 | Psalm 92

You might also remember that 1 John ended with the line, “keep yourself from idols,” and since idolatry is related to our recent “knowing God” theme, today’s focus question will riff off what we’ll read in Ezekiel as God gets in the business of Israel’s failed leaders — What does it mean to repent?

#1223: What do you mean by that? | 1 John 3:11-4:6 | Ezekiel 9-11

#1223: What do you mean by that? | 1 John 3:11-4:6 | Ezekiel 9-11

Last week in the book of John we talked about his exhortation to “test the spirits.” Today in 1 John we actually get to the place that he wrote that. And our focus question today is going to riff off that again, albeit from a different angle — a problem that we all face in testing the spirits and a deceptively simple solution you can use.