How to

#1316: What earthly reason was why Jesus was crucified? | Luke 22:39-23:25 | 2 Chronicles 7-8

#1316: What earthly reason was why Jesus was crucified? | Luke 22:39-23:25 | 2 Chronicles 7-8

The Jews wanted the death penalty for Jesus for blasphemy, but the State didn't care about that. So what earthly, legal reason was Jesus crucified?

What is cultural apologetics? A case for ambassadorship of the good, true, and beautiful

What is cultural apologetics? A case for ambassadorship of the good, true, and beautiful

What is cultural apologetics? A case for ambassadorship of the good, true, and beautiful with Dr. Paul Gould.

What can we really know about Jesus? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

What can we really know about Jesus? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

What can we know? Was Jesus a myth? And can we trust the Gospels as history?

Is the Bible Anti-Intellectual? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

Is the Bible Anti-Intellectual? (chapter summary of Questioning the Bible by Dr. Jonathan Morrow)

Does believing the Bible mean checking your brains at the door? What is truth, reason, and faith? How should this affect our cultural engagement?

#954: 1 Timothy 3-4 | Are you? Are they? Should we? | Proverbs 16:10-20

#954: 1 Timothy 3-4 | Are you? Are they? Should we? | Proverbs 16:10-20

Did you know that the word “Christian” was originally intended to be derogatory? In a new study just released by Barna, there’s another word that similarly carries a lot of baggage these days. Today we look at that, what it really means, and how to talk about it.

#947: Colossians 1-2 | New Testament reliability because of geographic distance | Psalms 132

#947: Colossians 1-2 | New Testament reliability because of geographic distance | Psalms 132

One common objection you’ll hear about the New Testament is “…but it was put together by men hundreds of years later.” Here’s how geographic distance is part of dispelling that untruth. #conversationalapologetics #forthehope

#923: Romans 11-12 | Life hermeneutics | Proverbs 11:1-13

#923: Romans 11-12 | Life hermeneutics | Proverbs 11:1-13

Hermeneutics is the art and science of biblical interpretation. When it comes to kefuffles like John MacArthur’s comment about Beth Moore, how might we apply “life hermeneutics?”